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Saturday, February 18, 2012

New Niche Blog!

If you are interested in personal fitness, check out my new personal fitness blog by clicking the link below! Also expect some great new posts from this blog coming up since I don't have as many news shifts this week. Thanks!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

MIZ-DGB: Commentary for the Tigers' New Star

It's official--Springfield, Mo native Dorial Green-Beckham has decided to "continue his education" at the University of Missouri. Green-Beckham, a 6'6, 220 pound wide receiver from Hillcrest High School, is the consensus number one recruit in the nation as well as the U.S. Today Offensive Player of the Year. He decided on Mizzou this morning after considering other college football giants such as Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma, and Alabama. "DGB" is probably the greatest recruit ever brought in by the Tigers, but what lured this sure-fire NFL first rounder to Mizzou?

National top football recruit, Dorial Green-Beckham, at a University 
of Missouri basketball game with MU offensive football coordinator, David 
Yost. During his signing interview, DGB joked that he wants to convince 
Yost to cut his hair, revealing some sort of early personal connection
 between the star and his future coach. 
It's obvious that there are school's with greater prestige and talent than MU right now, particularly at the QB position, so why did DGB choose us? Well a for sure reason is that it is close to home, DGB has a brother battling cancer and wants to stay close by to support him (a noble cause). Another reason is the allure of Mizzou to SEC and the Tiger community. DGB took a recent trip to an MU basketball game where students and fans made his presence felt, cheering MIZ-DGB and creating signs specially for him. This type of support let DGB know as soon as he steps onto this campus that he is going to be a focal point and star player on the team. Mizzou making the move to arguably the best football conference in the nation probably didn't hurt either, and going into the weaker, east-side of the conference gives Mizzou tremendous upside heading into the SEC with DGB.

I really like this signing decision by the young star, not only because I study at Mizzou (obviously), but because it shows tremendous self-confidence in his own ability. He could have easily taken the easier road and gone to a better overall team with more supportive talent around him, but this signing shows he wants and will demand the ball all the time. He is going to be the best player on the team as soon as he steps on the field, and I love the swagger he has to be the go-to-guy right away. He has a tall order ahead of him, however, as Mizzou will have a tough schedule next season--taking on powerhouses Alabama, Georgia, and Florida.

Moving onto DGB the player, I believe his athleticism and skill set are most comparable to that of Detroit star receiver, Calvin Johnson ("Megatron"). Tall, fast, and extremely physical--they are both the type of player where a QB could just lob the ball in their general vicinity and have confidence they will raise up and snatch it every time. These types of plays will be key to Mizzou's success with DGB, considering they do not have the most pass-savvy or accurate QB (unless Franklin vastly improved in the offseason). His ability, along with fellow receiver T.J. Moe, to catch mid-range passes will be crucial to opening up the part of the field where DGB truly shines--deep, down-field passes. No matter what happens, it is obvious that DGB will have a great career where-ever he decided to go to school, but I'm more than ecstatic to have him in a Missouri Tiger uniform.

What's your take on the DGB signing--good or bad decision? Can he make an instant impact? Where will Mizzou end up in the SEC now that they have him? Be sure to comment below and let's get a discussion going!

-John Jr.
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